One of my greatest knowing’s with respect to parenting is that our approach is someone else’s until we make it our own. Making it our own is often life’s greatest work— or, as I like to call it, “my greatest undoing.” This process usually looks something like sifting through every belief, rule, judgment, adaptation, coping mechanism, need, and desire, and then intently and consciously considering and altering each one until we’ve refined them to feel like our own.

This process is what I would call re-parenting or re-attunemnt, and I believe it is the path to meeting our truest and fullest essence.

My belief is that essence is our most profound offering to ourselves and others simply because it transcends the stories that we are telling; it is an expression of the story, the feeling that is left long after we are gone. And it is something I hope to nurture a little bit of in myself and the children I care for.

If you feel called to actualizing your truest and fullest spirit or guide your child as they do that for themselves, my only hope is that this space nurtures you through this significant adventure.

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